Women placing in her Invisalign Braces in Wolverhampton

7th April 2021

Does Invisalign Work As Well As Other Braces?

Discover Invisalign in Wolverhampton

When straightening your smile, our dentists in Wolverhampton know that only the best will do. We’re proud that so many patients trust us with their teeth here at our dental practice in Wolverhampton, and want to help create results you’ll love for years to come. In this post, we’ll weigh up Invisalign braces against other types, so you’ll be able to make the right decision for you and your smile.

Ease & convenience

One of the first considerations for your new Invisalign braces is how easily and conveniently they fit into your life. Fixed braces (wires and brackets fastened to the front of your teeth) and lingual braces (a more discreet version of a fixed brace, this time attached to the backs of your teeth) can be tricky to maintain, as cleaning your smile and navigating the parts of the brace can be difficult. Invisalign bypasses these problems by being a removable brace, so you can clean the appliance separately.

Lady removing her Invisalign braces in Wolverhampton


It’s key to feel comfortable in your new brace, especially if you want your teeth straightening treatment to be discreet. Lingual braces are hidden at the backs of your teeth, so likely won’t be noticed by others, but the same can’t be said for fixed metal braces – even the types that have clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires stand out against your smile. Invisalign braces in Wolverhampton are one of the most discreet types available, which has earnt it the moniker of ‘the invisible brace’. The Invisalign aligners are totally clear and moulded to your exact smile.


It’s no secret that wires and brackets can be uncomfortable on your teeth. Traditional metal braces need frequent adjusting and it’s possible that wires can start to poke areas of your mouth when it’s time for a tune-up. Invisalign, on the other hand, is trimmed to your gum line, custom-made for your smile and made of flexible plastic. All Invisalign brace patients mention about their treatment is a feeling of pressure when they change up to their next set of aligners.

Predictable Results

With Invisalign in Wolverhampton, you can see picture predictions of your teeth moving during treatment, as well as your end result, which makes the procedure feel more measurable and achievable. It also means you know exactly what you need to work towards, which is essential for any braces patient who needs some motivation now and then. Fixed and lingual braces don’t afford you this opportunity, which can make you feel a bit in the dark about treatment.


Invisalign themselves say that their braces move teeth quickly – and many dentists agree that Invisalign works faster than other options. It’s partly due to Invisalign’s SmartTrack material, which provides ‘gentle, constant force to improve control of tooth movements’.

Booking Invisalign in Wolverhampton

In summary, we believe that Invisalign braces in Wolverhampton are the best option for those seeking to straighten their smile. If you’re looking to find out more about treatment or would like to see alternative orthodontic options, get in touch with our friendly team of dentists today, here in Wolverhampton.

*Results may vary and are different for each individual. As such, Claregate Dental cannot guarantee specific results.