
26th January 2018

Educating our kids!

Educating Our Kids This New Year

What an exciting start to the new year…..our new uniforms and new look for the practice!

Some of you would have noticed before Christmas that the practice logo had changed. We have now taken the next stage in our new image…the staff uniforms. (A uniform that is used in the Holby City TV series!).

Over the next few months, we are working towards refurbishing the downstairs surgery too, so watch this space.

We recently were invited to St. Nicholas First School to do some Oral Health Education with nursery children. We talked about the kind of foods and drinks that are not good for your teeth, and also how to clean your teeth with a toothbrush.

It was a fun and also refreshing event, especially as so many of them knew what it takes to look after their teeth!

There were potential new recruits who may follow in our footsteps too.

*Results may vary and are different for each individual. As such, Claregate Dental cannot guarantee specific results.