Dental practice interior at our Dental Practice in Wolverhampton

11th July 2018

Bright Smiles! Bright Futures!

Colgate Smile GraphicIt is important to get your child into good habits from an early age so that looking after their teeth becomes part of their daily routine.

Along with brushing, your child’s diet plays a massive part in looking after their teeth and preventing tooth decay, as well as looking after their general health.

Here are some pointers to help keep your children’s smiles bright for their future:

  • Brush twice a day with an age-appropriate fluoride toothpaste.
  • Use a children’s toothbrush with a small head and apply a small pea-sized amount of toothpaste.
  • Supervise your child when they brush their teeth ensuring they reach all areas.
  • Encourage your child to spit out any excess toothpaste.
  • Avoid brushing straight after acidic foods and drinks such as fruit juices, either brush before or at least 30 minutes after.
  • Limit the amount of sugary foods and snacks and watch out for hidden sugars in things like cereals, sauces, yogurts & smoothies.
  • Visit the dentist for regular checks ups from an early age to get them used to dental visits and spot any early problems.
  • Make brushing fun!! Let your child chose their own tooth brush or even try a children’s electric toothbrush

We look forward to seeing all the children’s bright smiles for their dental check ups this summer!

For more information, please visit Colgate’s website.

*Results may vary and are different for each individual. As such, Claregate Dental cannot guarantee specific results.