
Losing a tooth can affect how your mouth functions, your dental health, and even your self-confidence, but single dental implants can help solve all of these worries. A single dental implant in Wolverhampton is used to replace a missing tooth.
A dental implant is an artificial tooth made up of a titanium root placed in your jawbone to form a strong foundation and a crown that resembles a discreet and natural-looking tooth. Single dental implants, with the proper care, can last a lifetime and provide you with new confidence to eat, chew, and laugh.
Enhance your smile, your mouth function, and your dental health with this smile-restoring treatment. So, where can you receive dental implants? Discover our dental implant options with Claregate Dental Practice in Wolverhampton today!
To book a consultation for dental implants in Wolverhampton simply call us on 01902 754 525 or contact us via our online booking form.
Please call 01902 754 525 or send us a message using the form below.
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Find the answers you’ve been searching for your questions about single dental implants in Wolverhampton! We believe an informed patient is a happy patient, so do get in touch if you would like to find out more about our treatments.
A dental implant is a long-lasting and often permanent solution to a missing tooth. It uses two parts: the titanium root, which is fitted into your jawbone, and a tooth-coloured crown that resembles your natural teeth.
The placement process at our dentist in Wolverhampton is different for everyone as it depends on how quickly you heal. Once we’re ready to begin placement, following a detailed consultation and impressions taken, the root is fitted first by drilling into your jawbone. When this has healed, you will be invited back to have your crown placed, completing your treatment journey. These procedures only require local anaesthetic as we aim to keep this treatment as minimally invasive as possible.
You are suitable for single dental implants if you have relatively healthy teeth and gums adjacent to your missing tooth gap and the adequate jawbone strength to receive placement. To put you at ease, we can help you decide if this treatment option is for you at your initial appointment, where we’ll examine your suitability and advise accordingly.
Dental implants, when cared for correctly, could last you the rest of your life. They are designed to be incredibly durable, reliable, and long-lasting, and are fixed into your jawbone to promote this. With the proper care and attention, your dental implants could remain permanent.
Cleaning your dental implant is as simple and as easy as cleaning your regular teeth! Simply brush twice a day, floss once a day, and attend regular check-ups with your implant dentist to ensure that you are healing properly and maintaining the proper care.
*Results may vary and are different for each individual. As such, Claregate Dental cannot guarantee specific results.