Before Root Canal

When you are suffering from a damaged, infected, or painful tooth, we will always endeavour to save your natural tooth before we think about extraction. Treating and saving teeth is always better than replacing them, which is why we offer root canal treatment at our Wolverhampton dental practice.
A root canal treatment is necessary when the pulp within your tooth is irreversibly damaged through a developed cavity. This pulp can be very painful, but we can successfully save the tooth using root canal treatment. We do this by removing the infected pulp and sealing the cavity with a strong dental material, helping to prevent further infection and restoring comfort and function to your tooth.
Do not grin and bear it, receive the expert treatment of our dental team at Claregate Dental in Wolverhampton and ensure the continuation of your dental health.
To find out more about root canal treatment at our dental practice in Wolverhampton, call our Dental Practice on: 01902 754 525 or contact us via our online booking form.
Please call our Wolverhampton dentists on 01902 754 525 or send us a message using the form below.
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Find the answers you’ve been searching for about root canal treatment at our dental practice in Wolverhampton! We believe an informed patient is a happy patient, so do get in touch if you would like to find out more about our treatments.
Once we know you’re suitable for your root canal treatment, we will first administer a local anaesthetic to the area. Once in effect, we then remove the damaged pulp from the tooth using a series of dental files. When we are satisfied with the pulp removal, we then seal off the cavity from any further infection or interference.
Symptoms of needing a root canal are:
In any case, you should seek out a dental professional’s advice.
The pulp is the nerve tissue, blood vessels, and connective tissue that extends from the crown of your tooth to the tip of the root in your jawbone. If food and bacteria are left to build up on your teeth, they will eventually eat away at your protective enamel and reveal the more sensitive layers beneath. When these cavities are left untreated, bacteria continue to burrow until they reach and infect the pulp at the centre of your tooth.
Living with an infected tooth actually hurts far more than this reparative treatment does! Your treatment may feel a little uncomfortable, but it should not be painful after receiving the local anaesthetic and in comparison to the infected nerve tissue of the pulp.
Yes, you may receive this treatment as one of our NHS-subsidised treatments. This is partially funded by the NHS, with your subsidising the remaining balance in order to keep essential dentistry affordable.
*Results may vary and are different for each individual. As such, Claregate Dental cannot guarantee specific results.